Species name |
Erygia apicalis Guenee アカテンクチバ,Cat.4292 |
Erygia apicalis Guenee, 1852, Hist. Nat. Insectes, Spec. gen. Lepid. 7:
Calicula exempta Walker, 1858
Calicula squamiplena Walker, 1858
Erygia usta Walker, 1865
Dianthoecia geometroides Wlker, 1865
Sypna watanabii Holland, 1889
Erygia apicalis tamsi Hulstaert, 1924
Erygia apicalis Guenee; Holloway, 1976 |
Geographical range |
Indo-Australian tropics to Japan, Queensland and the Solomons. The species
is common in the lowland in a wide range of habitats, including dry heath
forest and softwood plantations, and extends with decreasing frequency
to as high as 2100m. (Moths of Borneo Part15&16 p131)
インドから. 東南アジアに広く分布. 日本ではおよそ東北地方から九州に至る本土域と対馬,
屋久島および沖縄本島に産する. |
Distribution map |
Biology |
幼虫はフジ, クズ等マメ科植物につく. |
Flying season |
本土では4-9月に出現する. |
♂の触角はわずかに葉片状, 前頭部には垂直に鈍い稜を形成する. 前翅後縁には後縁角付近に鱗片を生ずる.
前翅の内横線に沿う帯状部と翅頂に近い半月状紋がやや目だつ. |
Japan |
Japan |
Taiwan |
Malaysia |
Borneo |
Japan |
Genitalia |
Genitalia |
Genitalia |
References |
The Moths of Borneo Part 15&16 page 131 |